VITEC makes available to its clients a wide range of analytical determinations developed from its R + D + i activity, always providing the highest quality standards of a research center.
VITEC analytical services are organized in five laboratories, specially equipped and prepared to determine the main analytical and quality control prameters throughout the value chain of wine production.
- Soil and leaf nutritional analysis.
- Analysis and detection of grapevine pathogens.
- Physicochemical analysis for quality control of musts and wines.
- Microbiological analysis.
- Analysis of wine closures and bottling.
Our commitment is to deliver results is 48 hours, except for those analyzes that, due to their nature, require more time. The specific conditions are shown in the document “Methods of analysis”.
Once the analysis is finished, the samples will be kept 24 hours, after which they will be eliminated. In case of complaint, a new sample will be provided for analysis, without charge to the client.
In general terms, the minimum volume required to perform any must or wine analysis will be 50 cl. The specific conditions are shown in the document “Methods of analysis”.
In cases of grape analysis, the sample must contain a minimum of 200 grains.
Samples received should be presented in clean, closed and identified containers.
To ensure reliability and analytical quality VITEC carries out continuous control to ensure the analytical results obtained. To do this, it carries out periodic checks on the calibration of the equipment and the performance of its analysts, and is also part of 3 interlaboratory tests developed by the main European entities.