Enological chemistry


Phenolic, colloidal and aromatic characterization of wines.

Determination of chemical oxidation and reduction markers.

Development and validation of new analysis methods

loguito PROJECTS

CAVAWINNER – Study and technological improvement of traditional cava manufacturing processes to increase its qualities, promoting competitiveness and positioning of the product in international markets. (2017-2021). CIEN progam from CDTI

RETASTELED – Reduction of the photochemical deterioration of the wine through the development of new Led technologies for use in the cellar and sales lines (2018 -2021). RTC-2017-6646-2. Challenges-Collaboration 2017 Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

GESTIDEROX – Oxygen management strategies as a key factor in the optimization of processes and improvement of wine quality (2016-2018), FEDER-Innterconecta 2016, CDTI. .

OPTIBLANC – Improvement of the Aromatic Stability and Increase of the Optimum Period of Consumption of White Wines of the Varieties Xarel·lo, Verdejo and Sauvignon Blanc (2015-2018), Challenges-Collaboration 2015, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

IR-WINE – Infrared spectroscopy for microbiological control in wine and cava production (2015-2018), Challenges-Collaboration 2015, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

VINYSOST – New viticultural strategies for the sustainable management of large-area production and increasing the competitiveness of wineries in the international market (2014-2018), Multiregional Operational Program for Smart Growth (CIEN), CDTI

SUBERVIN – Technology Transfer and Competitiveness Improvement of the Cork Sector of the SUDOE Space (2014-2015), Interreg Sudoe IV.

LIBRETT – Integral fight against the phenolated character of wine. Development of techniques for the control and elimination of Brettanomyces in the production of red wines (2014-2016), Challenges-Collaboration 2014, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

VINNOSO2  -Development of an oenological itinerary to produce high quality wines free of sulfur (2012-2015), INNPACTO 2012, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

DINAMICCORK – The cork stopper as an active container for wines and sparkling wines (2011-2015) INNPACTO 2011, Ministry of Science and Innovation

loguito TEAM

  • Dr. Miquel Puxeu Vaqué (head of area)
  • Marta Bargalló
  • Victória Castillo
  • Marc Garcia
  • Inés Horcajo
  • Núria Barceló
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