Comunicacions a congressos

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  1. Laura Martín, F. Javier Castaño, Rafael Roda, Pol Bladé, Miquel Puxeu y Raúl Ferrer-Gallego. Improvement of Syrah grapevine nutrition by application of elicitor fertigation: effect on plant physiology and grape composition. MACROWINE 2018 International Congress.


  1. Ana Maria Mislata, Miquel Puxeu y Raúl Ferrer. Study of the aromatic oxidation markers in Tempranillo wines by GC-MS analysis. MACROWINE 2018 International Congress.


  1. Laura Martín, Florence Fontaine, R.Ferrer-Gallego, Rafael Roda, Fco Javier Castaño. Physiological, molecular and chemical alterations related to esca-leaf symptoms in cv.tempranillo. 10th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases.


  1. Laura Martín, Fco.Javier Castaño, Pol Aluja. Pruning wound protection for control of esca causal agents. 10th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases.


  1. Ferrer-Gallego, E. Nart, M. Puxeu, C. Hidalgo, J. Roselló, I. Andorrà. Influence of chemical treatments and winemaking procedures on the sensory quality of SO2-free wines. In Vino Analytica Scientia Salamanca 2017.


  1. Ferrer-Gallego, R.; Ferreras-Charro, R.; Ramos-Pineda, A.M.; Alcalde-Eon, C.; Dueñas-Patón, M.; García Estévez, I. b; Escribano-Bailón, M.T. Effect of the addition of exogenous sources of flavanols and different types of mannoproteins on the astringency of red wines. In Vino Analytica Scientia Salamanca 2017.


  1. M. Mislata, P. Bladé, B. Zaplana, I. Andorra, C. Hidalgo, R. Ferrer-Gallego, M. Puxeu. Effect of ion-exchange resin treatment on the chemical composition, tartrate stability and sensory quality of red wines. In Vino Analytica Scientia Salamanca 2017.


  1. Estudio de la adición de taninos para elaborar vinos libres de sulfuroso. JORNADA WINESENSE_SUMMER SCHOOL_VALBUENA DE DUERO_MATARROMERA Raul Ferrer-Gallego Enològic    2017
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